As I mentioned in a previous post, I noticed a very small coolant leak coming from the host from my coolant bottle. The hose clamp was corroded, so I ordered a new hose with clamps. This was my first venture with cooling system maintenance. I asked someone how tight should the hose clamps be – to paraphrase, they replied “it’s hard to say, you have to have a feel for it.”
So I didn’t want to drain the whole cooling system. It’s still March, and freezing cold out. I’ll do it later this year. I bought a small pump so I could empty the tank. I bought one new hose online, and received three:
Bonus! Thank you. Got my pump:
My problematic hose and clamp:
Old hose left, new hose right. Not quite the same…
New hose installed:
Add some new coolant:
Why is my old coolant brown?
All done! Haven’t seen the hose leak yet.
Prestone 50/50: On Hand
Water hose large to water bottle tank: $9.95 @
Fluid Transfer Pump: $4.99 @ Autozone